Whole House Renovation Cost: A Comprehensive Guide

whole house renovation cost

Renovating an entire house can be a daunting yet rewarding endeavor. Whether you’re looking to revamp your living space for personal enjoyment or increase its market value, understanding the costs involved is crucial. From demolishing walls to installing new fixtures, every aspect of a whole house renovation comes with its price tag. In this guide, we’ll explore the factors influencing whole house and bathroom renovation cost, costs, average expenses, ways to save, and much more.

Factors Influencing Whole House Renovation Costs

The total cost of renovating an entire house varies depending on several factors:

Size and Layout of the House

The larger the house, the more materials and labor will be required, thus increasing the overall cost. Additionally, complex layouts or structural changes may incur some additional costs and expenses.

Scope of Renovation

Deciding whether to do a complete overhaul or focus on specific areas significantly impacts the cost average house renovation. Renovating the kitchen and bathrooms, for example, tends to be more expensive than updating other rooms.

Quality of Materials and Finishes

Opting for high-end materials and finishes will inevitably drive up costs. Conversely, choosing more budget-friendly options can help keep expenses in check.

Labor Costs

Labor costs vary depending on the expertise of the professionals hired for structural work and the region’s prevailing wages. Skilled contractors may charge more but often deliver superior results.

Location and Local Market Trends

Renovation labour costs can vary greatly depending on your geographical location and local market conditions. Urban areas with high demand for construction services tend to have higher prices.

Average Cost of Whole House Renovation

According to industry estimates, the national average of cost to renovate or for renovating an entire house falls between £40,000 and £150,000. However, this figure can fluctuate significantly based on the factors mentioned earlier.

Ways to Save on Whole House Renovation

While renovating a whole to renovate a house, can be costly, there are several strategies to keep expenses under control:

Prioritizing Renovations

Focus on essential areas that require immediate attention, such as structural repairs or outdated systems, before tackling cosmetic upgrades.

DIY vs. Hiring Professionals

Consider taking on certain tasks yourself, such as painting or minor demolition, to also save money on labor costs. However, be realistic about your abilities and know when to hire professionals for complex jobs.

Negotiating with Contractors

Obtain multiple quotes from different contractors and don’t hesitate to negotiate prices. Be sure to clarify exactly what’s included in each estimate to avoid surprises later on.

Using Cost-Effective Materials

Explore affordable alternatives to high-end materials without compromising on quality. Look for discounts, clearance sales, or wholesale suppliers to stretch your budget further.

Common Expenses Included in Whole House Renovation

A whole of renovating a house or renovation typically involves the following expenses:

  • Demolition and Disposal: Removing old fixtures, walls, and flooring can incur significant costs, especially if hazardous materials like asbestos are present.
  • Structural Changes: Reinforcing walls, adding support beams, or altering the layout of rooms may require structural modifications.
  • Plumbing and Electrical Work: Updating plumbing and electrical systems to meet current building codes is essential for safety and functionality.
  • Flooring, Painting, and Finishing Touches: Installing new flooring, painting walls, and adding decorative elements contribute to the overall aesthetics of the renovation.

Hidden Costs to Consider

In addition to the obvious expenses, there are several hidden and unexpected costs to be aware of:

  • Permit Fees: Obtaining permits for major renovations can add to your budget. Failure to secure necessary permits can result in costly fines and delays.
  • Structural Issues: Unforeseen problems like water damage or termite infestations may only be discovered once the renovation is underway, requiring additional funds to address.
  • Unexpected Expenses: It’s wise to set aside a contingency fund to cover unexpected expenses that may arise during the renovation process.

Tips for Budgeting and Planning

To avoid overspending, follow these budgeting and planning tips:

  • Setting a Realistic Budget: Determine how much you can afford to spend on the renovation and allocate funds accordingly.
  • Creating a Detailed Renovation Plan: Outline your renovation goals, prioritize tasks, and establish a timeline for completion.
  • Allocating Funds for Contingencies: Set aside at least 10-20% of your total budget for unexpected expenses or changes to the original plan.

ROI and Value Added by Renovations

While whole house renovations require a significant investment, they can yield substantial returns:

  • Increasing Property Value: Renovating your home can significantly increase its resale value, especially if the improvements are well-executed and align with current market trends.
  • Enhancing Living Experience: Enjoying a more comfortable, functional, and aesthetically pleasing living space is priceless and can improve your overall quality of life.
  • Long-Term Benefits: Investing in quality renovations can lead to lower maintenance costs, improved energy efficiency, and increased durability over time.

House Renovation Project

whole house renovation cost

Undertaking a house renovation project can breathe new life into your home, whether you’re aiming to enhance its functionality, update its aesthetics, or increase its market value. From planning and budgeting to executing the home renovation project itself, each step requires careful consideration and attention to detail.

1. Assessing Your Needs and Goals

Before diving into any renovations, take the time to assess your needs and goals for the project. Consider what aspects of your home you’re unhappy with and what improvements you’d like to make. Whether it’s expanding the kitchen, adding an extra bedroom, or modernizing outdated features with new bathroom, clearly defining your objectives will guide the rest of the renovation process.

2. Setting a Realistic Budget

Once you’ve identified your renovation goals, it’s crucial to establish a realistic budget. Factor in costs for materials, labor, permits, and any unexpected expenses that may arise during the project. Research the average costs of similar renovation projects in your area to ensure your budget aligns with market rates. Remember to include a contingency fund of at least 10-20% to cover unforeseen circumstances.

3. Planning the Renovation

A well-thought-out renovation plan is key to a successful project. Work with a designer or architect to create detailed drawings and blueprints that outline the scope of the renovation. Consider the structural integrity of your home and any potential limitations or challenges that may arise. Determine the timeline for the project, including milestones and deadlines for completion.

4. Hiring the Right Professionals

whole house renovation cost

Choosing the right professionals for your home renovation project is essential to its success. Research and interview architects, contractors, and tradespeople to find experienced professionals with a proven track record of quality workmanship. Check references, read reviews, and ask for examples of previous projects to ensure you’re hiring the best team for the job.

5. Selecting Materials and Finishes

Selecting materials and finishes that align with your aesthetic preferences and budget is an exciting part of the renovation process. Visit showrooms, browse catalogues, and gather samples to help you make informed decisions. Consider factors such as durability, maintenance requirements, and resale value when choosing materials for your kitchen renovation.

6. Obtaining Necessary Permits

Before commencing any work, ensure you have obtained all necessary permits and approvals from local authorities. Failure to obtain permits can result in fines, delays, and even forced removal of completed work. Work with your contractor or architect to navigate the permit application process and ensure compliance with building codes and regulations.

7. Managing the Renovation Process

Effective project management is essential to keeping your bathroom renovation on track and within budget. Establish clear lines of communication with your contractor and tradespeople, and regularly monitor progress against the established timeline. Address any issues or concerns promptly to prevent delays or cost overruns.

8. Overseeing Construction and Installation

As construction gets underway, oversee the process to ensure that work is being completed according to plan and specifications. Be available to answer any questions or provide guidance to the construction team. Inspect workmanship at various stages of the project to identify any defects or deficiencies that need to be addressed.

9. Adding Personal Touches

whole house renovation cost

Once the major construction work is complete, it’s time to add the finishing touches that will truly make your house feel like home. Choose paint colors, lighting fixtures, and furnishings that reflect your style and complement the overall design aesthetic. Don’t forget about landscaping and outdoor areas to enhance curb appeal and create inviting outdoor living spaces.

10. Celebrating the Finished Product

whole house renovation cost

After months of planning and hard work, it’s time to celebrate the completion of your house renovation project. Host a housewarming party to show off your newly renovated home to friends and family. Take pride in the transformation you’ve accomplished and enjoy the improved functionality, comfort, and beauty of your revitalized living space.

In conclusion, understanding the costs associated with a whole house renovation is essential for planning and budgeting effectively. By considering factors beyond average house renovation cost such as size, scope, materials, and labor, homeowners can embark on their renovation journey with confidence. Remember to prioritize essential upgrades, explore cost-saving options, and always plan for contingencies to ensure a successful outcome.



  1. What is the average cost per square foot for whole house renovation?
    • The average cost per square foot can vary widely depending on the scope of the renovation and the quality of materials used. On average, homeowners can expect to pay between £100 and £300 per square foot.
  2. How long does a whole house renovation typically take?
    • The duration of a whole house renovation depends on various factors, including the size of the property, the complexity of the project, and unforeseen challenges. On average, renovations can take anywhere from a few months to over a year to complete.
  3. Are there any government incentives for energy-efficient renovations?
    • Yes, many governments offer incentives, rebates, or tax credits for homeowners who make energy-efficient upgrades to their homes. These incentives aim to promote sustainability and reduce carbon emissions.
  4. Can I live in my house during the renovation process?
    • In most cases, it’s possible to live in your house during a renovation, although it may be inconvenient or uncomfortable at times. However, for extensive renovations or safety reasons, temporary relocation may be necessary.
  5. How can I ensure my renovation stays within budget?
    • To keep your renovation on budget, thoroughly plan and prioritize expenses, obtain multiple quotes from contractors, set aside a contingency fund, and avoid making impulsive decisions that could lead to cost overruns.

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